About our online store

In our online store, you'll find a range of durable and diverse tiles, perfect for moisture-prone areas like bathrooms and kitchens. With options from classic marble to modern abstract designs, our tiles cater to various stylistic preferences.

Additionally, we offer a variety of wallpapers in different patterns and designs for an easy room transformation. To complement your decor, choose from our selection of flooring materials including hardwood, laminate, and vinyl, each catering to different styles and needs. Explore our high-quality products for your home makeover.


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Marvin McKinney

CEO, co-founder

Dianne Russell

CEO, co-founder

Kristin Watson

CEO, co-founder
home decoration collections

How we start our business

Our online store boasts a comprehensive selection of home decoration materials, encompassing tiles, wallpapers, and flooring options to suit various styles and needs.

Tiles, an essential element of any room, lend the right atmosphere, making spaces cozy and comfortable. Our extensive catalog features a wide array of tiles suitable for both home and office settings. Customers can conveniently browse and select from our range online, visualizing how these tiles would enhance their space.

As for wallpapers, our collection is not just about covering walls; it's about creating environments. Our selection includes designs ranging from classic to contemporary, catering to those who appreciate beauty and individuality in their homes. The wallpapers we offer are easy to apply, transforming any room into a haven for relaxation or productive work.

Flooring is another key aspect of home decor. Our online store presents a variety of flooring options, including hardwood, laminate, and vinyl, each providing a unique aesthetic and practical benefits. These products come from trusted manufacturers known for their high-quality materials, durability, and safety.

In summary, our store is dedicated to providing customers with top-quality home decoration materials. Whether it's the practical elegance of our tiles, the unique designs of our wallpapers, or the durable beauty of our flooring options, we ensure a selection that combines aesthetics, quality, and practicality in every product.